The Featured Sermon

The Revelation of Jesus Christ by Min. Chuk Pratt

If you are at this website, the message "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" by Min. Chuk Pratt is playing right now in the background (or if you have a dialup connection, it will load up shortly (Be patient!!), or you can start downloading it now (see instructions below)). 
You have to turn your computer speakers on, and turn the volume up.  If you can't hear the message, please find someone that can verify that the sound is working on your computer.  Secondly check on somebody elses computer to see if it works on theirs.  Lastly, you can download this message in MP3 format (16kb quality, 8meg download) at the 3 following text LINK:

Right-Click <<here>> then click "save target as" to download file

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Illustration of hand holding a business card; Size=240 pixels wide